George "W" Bush

George "W" Bush, also known as Dubya, was the conservative leader of the free world (unfortunately) at least 100 years ago. Dubya doesn't believe in evolution, although it is the only way he can explain his existence as a dumbed down chimpanzee, whose vocabulary is slimmer than koko the monkey's. Before becoming the most fail President in history, he ran a shitty failure of an oil company, was the owner of the Texas Rangers, a shitty failure of a baseball team, and was Chief Executioner for the State of Texas, FUCKING AWESOME state. Behind the mask of stupidity, W is secretly one of the most brilliant men to ever exist. Disagreeing with this statement means that you are a terrorist, hate America, and are responsible for WTC. During his life he managed to dodge the Vietnam war, rig presidential elections, not once, but twice (which says a lot about the stupidity of the average Americunt), pass all the laws he ever wanted to pass (making him the first real dictator of the USA), while making himself, his family and all of his friends very rich by starting two wars.

Postat av: Annie

And finally we get a new president in us ^^

2008-08-23 @ 20:00:42

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